I did a bunch of travel in 2024.

I intended to do a properly year end reflection, framed around my travel, with a picture from each trip but time got away from me. Instead, here’s a short summary of the trips.

  • March - JoCoCruise through the Caribbean
    • Roomed with a friend from university I haven’t seen in ages!
  • April - Eclipse Trip through New Mexico and south Texas.
  • April - Chicago for a friend’s Wedding
  • June - Ottawa, Toronto, and Waterloo for an emotionally challenging trip I’m still stuck on.
    • Got to see the show my friend from university directed too!
  • July - Chicago again, for GopherCon 2024, and roller coasters!
  • September - San Jose, CA, for a work conference, Beam Summit 2024
  • November - Japan - Tokyo, Kyushu, Osaka, Kinosaki Onsen, Kyoto, Tokyo
    • I have to go back!
  • December - Philadelphia for PAX Unplugged
  • Christmas - Solo trip to San Jose del Cabo for an all inclusive resort.

This doesn’t include smaller trips to my friend’s campsite over the summer either but then again, I don’t get on a plane for those.

I like traveling a fair bit. I should have some more this year, but probably a little less messy. There’s the JoCoCruise of course, and I may end up either at Burning Man, or in New York City at the end of August. There was also a wedding in the UK that I recall being queried on… And there’s probably a trip to Rotterdam for a cruise with my parents in October.

I guess we’ll find out together.