Here are some weird project Ideas I’d love to try if I ever find the time.
- Make Prism “self distributed and scaling” using Cloud Run.
- Basically the idea would be to host an instance on Cloud Run, serving it’s JobManagement service.
- But replace the local docker execution with Cloud Run launches for worker container launches, connecting back to the parent prism instance for work orchestration.
- The main prism instance can’t scale, but the UI should be hostable without too much problem.
- Could add Tailscale for more fun.
- Entirely a fun hack without also adding a cloud persistence layer too.
- Make [Prism] integrate with Kubernetes. Distributes work in the cluster.
- Basically the same idea, but with Kubernetes operations instead.
- Same problems.
- Find the branch of the Go compiler that has the work for Memory/GC Regions, and have it store things into Cuda Unified Memory Instead to simplify GPU integration.
- Totally wild endgame idea. Would need to actaully learn some Cuda and it’s CGo bindings first.
- In principle could be used to more naturally toggle GPU based work.
- Heck, even just do my normal distributed ray tracer, but batch the rendering stage onto a GPU.
- Try using opencv with BeamGo generally.
- Actually finish the Hobby SDK.
- Stateful Transforms - State and Timers
- On Window Expiration
- Real Windowing
- Streaming Splittable-DoFns
- Leverage Go 1.24 Generic Aliases to make the API more convenient.
- And of course
- Submit talk proposals to conferences.
So might to potentially do.
Never enough time.
I think I’m not going to try too hard to post on Thursdays. Between the Frelard Run Club, and Pub Night, it’s quite a packed day.