== lostluck.dev ==



I’m Robert Burke.

I’m a Canadian, living in Seattle.

I am a software developer. I enjoy programming in Go. I’ve also used C++, Java, Javascript, Typescript, and Python, but I learned from the experience, so that’s nice. I currently do so at Google.

I’m a committer to Apache Beam, and work on its Go SDK.

I might be caught running. In pre-quarantimes, I’ve been known to do indoor rock climbing. I’ve also been known to sing a capella, as a bass. I enjoy playing Destiny 2, and Dungeons and Dragons, and watching content by Loading Ready Run and support the Desert Bus for Hope charity drive. I’ve been a repeat attendee of the JoCoCruise.

The following are also me:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lostluck
GitHub: https://github.com/lostluck
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lostluck
Apache: lostluck@apache.org

You’ll probably have the best luck contacting me casually via Twitter.

This website is hosted on Github with Github Pages, and is built with Hugo using the smol theme.